Palvelu erinomaista, yhteydenotot sähköpostin välityksellä toimi erittäin nopeasti ja ammattitaitoisesti. Autoon asennettiin vetokoukku joka sujui hyvin, aamulaivalla Tallinnaan ja iltalaivalla takaisin Helsinkiin. Vetokoukun asennusta voi suositella muillekkin, hinta edullinen, alle puolet Suomen hintatasosta.
Antti Saltiola, Mercedes-Benz A 180 CDI

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You might wonder why installing cables should be so important in installation of audio system. Reliability of the whole system depends on quality of installing cables.
Inaccurately laid and protected cables increase a risk of short failure or impedient sounding.
Whatever people may tell you about installation, it only works with all the glamour when properly installed.
Ordering installation with us, You can be sure for 100% that every element of the audio system is secured and protected according to the rules. All cables are only laid in the special safe places and protected with proper fuses! 

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